Where we are

Villa Les Aygals is located in the village of Maureillas, close to the picturesque market town of Céret, in France's southernmost region of the Languedoc-Roussillon. It is perfectly situated for proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, the majestic Pyrénées, day trips to Carcassonne, Perpignan, Barcelona, and much, much more. Please use the interactive Google map below:

A quick guide to using the map

The map above shows the location of Maureillas in satellite view. Our villa is only a few minutes walk from the village centre and only 20 minutes drive from the beach. If you are not familiar with Google maps, then here are some tips:

  • Use the plus/minus symbols to zoom in/out.
  • You can select the type of map by clicking on one of the white viewing boxes at the top (map view or satellite view).
  • Hover your mouse over the map and it changes to a hand symbol. Click and hold to drag, or double click to zoom into that spot.
  • If you get lost, simply refresh the page to reset the map and start again.

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